
Sandy Connon - Black & White Portrait Photographer

Teen Portraits


“Sandy can work with any age group - any point of time you want to capture and keep forever. She is able to capture the moment in a way that other works don’t. It is not a snapshot of my son – it is an insight into him. I got to choose the pictures which best reflected my family. Those portraits are something the kids will always have too.” – Pip Fenwick

Next portfolio >> Adults and Families

The images used on this website are property of Sandy Connon Photography. They are not to be used in any form without the written permission of Sandy Connon.

Teen Portraits

If there’s a teenager in your family you’ll already know how changeable they are. One minute their hormones can make them behave like insecure seven year-olds - and the next they’re crying for more freedom!

Capture your mercurial teenager in a photographic portrait by Sandy Connon. A Wellington photographer renown for her inspirational black and white images, Sandy is familiar with the changing face of the teenager -  she has one herself!

Sandy knows all about the essential ‘warm up’ conversations that will relax a teenage sitter and help her select the optimum settings and stances. And she shoots with the aim of getting a wide mix of images for the family to choose from. Sandy may even reveal your teen to you in a way you’ve never seen them before.

Ultimately, the hardest part is always deciding which photo your teen and your family think is the best. Sometimes it takes more than one image to catch the shifting personalities of the young person you know, in which case you have the choice of choosing a triptych, which is a series of three images within the one frame.

Teenagers. They’re all different – but what they all have in common is that soon they will turn into adults. And they will never again look the same as they do right now … 
