
Sandy Connon - Black & White Portrait Photographer

Portraits - Pregnancy & Baby

"Hunter was seven days old and I was still a little shaky from his birth.  The shoot was hard - I'd hardly slept the night before - but Hunter just lay there totally still for me with this open, knowing expression.  I look at the photograph now, and in his eyes I see all of who he is, all of who he will be.” - Sandy Connon

The images used on this website are property of Sandy Connon Photography. They are not to be used in any form without the written permission of Sandy Connon.

Portrait Baby and Pregnancy

Pregnancy, birth, baby – then busy, busy, busy. Before your baby arrives and life becomes much more hectic, arrange to have your portrait taken by one of Wellington’s top photographers, Sandy Connon.

Some of the most beautiful female portraits are of women in full pregnant bloom. Sandy’s portraits of pregnant women are often admired and remarked upon because of their beauty and elegant simplicity. So, too, are her black and white photographs of newborns: the toddler delicately cradling his newborn sister, or the father with muscly arms holding his delicate newborn close and gazing at it with a look of total devotion.

And here’s a great idea: a gift voucher from family or friends for a professional baby or parent and baby portrait sitting is a gift that will be treasured for life.

Next portfolio >> Children and Toddlers
